Women at Business - Stem Women Congress Italia

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Stem Women Congress Italia

We are proud to welcome for the first time in Italy, on May 28 in Milan, the Stem Women Congress, thanks to the collaboration with Orange Media Group and SL Launch Spanish company that holds the format of the international congress


Much more than a Congress!

A congress, a project, a commitment to achieve a cultural change in order to close the gender gap in the workforce.

A congress dedicated to closing the gender gap in the STEM world to create a more inclusive future for women and prevent other gender stereotypes.

Unfortunately, in Italy, driven by strong cultural bias, only the 20% of women get STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) degrees, culturally considered for male, and nowadays, the skills most requested by the labor market.

Girls must have access to studies, training and careers in the science, technology, engineering and mathematics.

We are actively involving institutions, companies, schools, research bodies, trade associations, organizations and people in a productive and engaging debate, to reach gender equality providing employment opportunities for the digital transformation in our country.

A project characterized by the National Report that from year to year will demonstrate the effectiveness of concrete initiatives and best practices in place.

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